
Welcome to Quê Em’s Brunch

Our brunch buffet offers a delicious selection of traditional Vietnamese breakfast and lunch dishes. Our brunch menu includes, for example, flavorful banh mi baguettes and aromatic pho soups, offering you a taste of authentic Vietnam!

Saturdays 11 am to 3 pm
Sundays from 11 am to 4 pm

During brunch, you can also order à la carte dishes. À la carte is sold to the entire table.

Brunch prices:

Adults 29,90€ / person
Children 0-4 years 0€
Children 5-7 years old 9€
Children 8-10 years old 15€

Complement your brunch with house sparkling wine 6€ / glass

Brunch menu


Rau thơm mix 🌿

Vietnamilainen yrttimix (M,G)

Vietnamese herb mix.

Gỏi tôm xoài 

Mangosalaatti katkaravuilla

Mango salad with prawns.

Salad Mix 🌿

Kimchi 🌿

Warm dishes

Bánh mì bar

Banh mi Station – Kokoa itsellesi maukas bánh mì oman makusi mukaan.

Täytteenä on:

Que Emin maksa pate, vietnamilaista makkaraa, grillattua kanaa, marinoitua tofua🌿, pikkelöityä kaalia ja tuoreita yrttejä.

Bánh Mì Station – Build your own delicious bánh mì to your taste.

Fillings include:

Que Em’s liver pâté, Vietnamese sausage, grilled chicken, marinated tofu🌿, pickled cabbage, and fresh herbs.

Phở bò / gà

Phở-keitto naudalla tai kanalla. (M,G)

Phở-soup with beef or chicken. (DF,GF)

Bún riêu chay 🌿

Vegaaninen riisinuudelikeitto paistetulla tofulla, sienillä ja tomaateilla. (M,G)

Vegan rice noodle soup with fried tofu, mushrooms and tomato. (DF,GF)

Bánh cuốn nhân thịt 

Vietnamilaiset riisitaikinakääryleet jauhetulla porsaanlihalla ja sienillä. (M,G)

Vietnamese steamed rice rolls with minced pork and wood ear mushrooms. (DF,GF)

Bánh cuốn chay🌿

Vegaaniset riisitaikinakääryleet sienillä, porkkanoilla, sipulilla ja kasviksilla. (M,G)

Vegan steamed rice rolls with mushrooms, carrots, onions and vegetables. (DF,GF)

Chả nem thịt

Kevätrullia porsaanjauhelihalla, vermiselli-nuudelilla, sienillä ja porkkanalla. (M)

Spring rolls filled with pork meat, vermicelli noodles, mushrooms and carrots.(DF)

Tôm chiên

Rapeaksi paistettua marinoitua katkarapua. (M)

Crispy fried marinated shrimp. (DF)

Sườn Xào Chua Ngọt

Paistetut porsaanribsit hapanimelä kastikkeessa. (M,G)

Vietnamese style sweet and sour short ribs. (DF,GF)

Gà xào húng quế

Paistettua kanaa thai basilikalla ja chilillä (M)

Fried chicken with Thai basil and chili (DF)

Rau Củ Kho Chay 🌿 

Braised vegetable stew with tofu (M,G)

Haudutettua vihannes pataa tofulla (DF, GF)

Rau xào nấm🌿

Wokattua kasviksia sienillä. (M,G)

Stir fried vegetables with mushroom. (DF,GF)

Thịt Nướng Than

Grillattua porsaankylkeä sitruunaruoho ja chili marinadilla. (M)

Grilled pork belly with lemongrass and chili marinade. (DF)


Bánh cuộn sầu riêng / dâu tây

Kääretorttu durianilla / mansikalla.

Swiss roll cake with durian / strawberry.

Chè Thập Cẩm & cốt dừa

Vietnamilainen hedelmä cocktail kookosmaidolla. (G)

Vietnamese fruit cocktail with coconut milk. (GF)

Trái Cây 🌿 

Tuoreita hedelmiä   

Fresh fruits

Bánh bò hấp🌿

Höyrystetty riisikakku kookos kastikkeella. (M,G)

Steamed rice cake with coconut sauce. (DF,GF)


Trà đá  

Vietnamilainen kylmä tee  

Vietnamese cold tea 


Lunch is served Monday to Friday between 11:00 – 14:00


Mon – Thu 11:00 – 22:00
Fri 11:00 – 23:00
Sat 12:00 – 23:00
Sun 12:00 – 22:00

Last orders one hour before closing time.

Photos: Mark Tran & Lassi Saijets

Kansakoulukatu 1
00100 Helsinki
050 468 6661